Phase I & Phase II
Environmental Site Assessment

Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

An Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a fundamental and proactive measure to mitigate risks in any real estate transaction. Our team of experts specializes in conducting comprehensive and meticulous site assessments. We are dedicated to uncovering any environmental contaminants that may affect your property's value. With our focus on detail and precision, we ensure that your investment is safeguarded against both financial and physical environmental concerns.

Phase 1 & Phase 2 ESAs

Details of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, often known as a Phase I ESA, is an essential component in the evaluation of both current and past activities on a property during a commercial real estate transaction. The primary goal of this assessment is to determine whether these activities have adversely affected the soil or groundwater under the property, potentially posing risks to the environment or human health. Discovering such environmental issues can significantly impact the property’s value and may create liabilities for the lender and owner. Our team follows this process when conducting Phase I ESAs

Records Review

We complete an exhaustive review of public records to uncover any historical environmental concerns associated with the property.

Site Reconnaissance

Our experts perform a detailed site visit, inspecting the property for signs of environmental contamination or degradation.


Engaging in conversations with present and past owners, operators, occupants, and local government officials, we gather firsthand information about the property.

Report Compilation

The findings from our assessments are compiled into a comprehensive written report, outlining any Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) and potential concerns.

Introduction to Phase I & Phase II ESAs

Introduction to Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

Creative Environmental Solutions, Inc. (CES) conducts comprehensive Phase I and Phase II ESAs. Our specialized services are tailored to meet the unique needs of clients across Florida and the Southeast, ensuring thorough environmental due diligence.

We have a rich history of ESAs on hundreds of thousands of acres of forestry and agricultural land as well as numerous commercial and industrial sites. Our clients range from developers and investors to banks, timber companies, and mining operators. Our approach is holistic, combining extensive field experience with a deep understanding of environmental regulations to provide reliable assessments.

When and Why to Proceed to a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

If the Phase I ESA identifies potential environmental risks, a Phase II ESA is recommended. This next step involves a more detailed examination to confirm the presence of environmental contamination and assess its extent.

When and Why to Proceed to a Phase II ESA

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment: In-Depth Analysis and Sampling

If a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment uncovers a Recognized Environmental Condition or suggests possible subsurface impacts at a site, it's common for clients to proceed with a Phase II ESA to investigate these potential impacts further.

During the Phase II ESA, CES conducts targeted sampling of soil, groundwater, and/or building materials. This phase involves: Collection of solid and liquid samples from suspected areas of contamination.

Laboratory analysis to determine the presence and concentrations of hazardous substances.

Detailed reporting of findings provides a clear understanding of any remedial actions.

Featured Projects

Check out our featured Site Assessment & Remediation projects.


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Contact Us Today

Our proven track record in successfully navigating complex environmental assessments makes us the ideal choice for your Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment requirements.

CES’s Qualifications and Unique Approach

Our team, led by George Foster, comprises seasoned geologists, engineers, and ecologists with over 150 years of combined experience. As a registered Professional Engineering and Geological Firm, we uphold the highest safety and compliance standards. Our approach is not just thorough; it’s shaped by a commitment to delivering responsive and consistent service, ensuring every ESA is conducted with precision and care.



Whether you are a member of a governmental organization, a private business entity, or an individual, we can help.